Branding and visual identity: why it's a big part of your small business
Yes, branding is everything. But… I’m also here to tell you that it’s a process. Especially as a start up, sometimes you won’t know what your visual identity looks llike until a few months (or even a year) into your entrepreneurship - and it’s constantly going to evolve, as well!
Let’s talk about what makes visual identity so important to your business’ branding, as well as what the discovery process may look like for you, if you’re finding yourself overwhelmed.
Why it’s important for therapists and counseling practices to have a website
Throughout my years of work, there are certain professions where I see a real need for websites - and therapists are one of them! While you may think you can get by without one, you don't know how much you're missing out on.
There's a whole world outside of PsychologyToday (or wherever you’re posting your services), so let’s dive in and cover the reasons why therapists can benefit from a professionally built website.
Spring clean your business website by focusing on these key things
First impressions aren’t just important for in-person… your website is an extension of you and your business and is one of your business’ most valuable tools. Providing a user-friendly experience for your website visitors is key to making sure they stick around, read your content, and purchase your product or service! Not sure if your website fits the criteria? Read on to find out if your website includes these key things!
How to choose which website builder is right for you and your business
If you’re looking to DIY your website and aren’t sure which website builder is right for you and your business, there are some important aspects to keep in mind when shopping around for your future website.
Key ways to make sure your brand is effective, consistent, and memorable
Branding is an essential part of marketing your business, no matter the size. By creating a unique identity for your business, not only can you resonate with your ideal client, but it helps you distinguish yourself from other competitors in your field.
Why a website is important for a small business to have, and how to get started
Whether you are a new or seasoned business owner, it is likely you’ve come to the point on your to-do list where you’ve been faced with the option of creating a website… For some people, this may seem exciting. After all, you’re sharing the work you’re passionate about in a way that speaks to you and your present and future clients! For others, it can be seen as daunting, time consuming, and not at the forefront of your mind. Learn about your options, and ways to get started!
I’m Madison, a Baltimore-based business owner, web designer, and consultant for small business owners across the U.S. In addition to helpful blogs, I offer web design, website maintenance, and blog writing services.